Case Study : Jim and Carrie have known for years that a divorce is imminent. The kids are now grown. But the question remains, "Should we spend the rest of our lives together?” Jim and Carrie decide to call it quits, they want to be fair to each other and split assets 50/50. They go to a mediator with the hopes of achieving a non-contested divorce with ease and to check for anything else they may have forgotten.
Unfortunately, traditional mediators may have legal knowledge, but they often lack the full understanding as to the financial complexities of divorce. As a result, significant financial risks exist that may not be fully addressed in a mediation setting. A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® can offer significant value to couples like Jim and Carrie. CDFA’s are divorce financial planners whose job is to protect the client’s financial interests as a part of a dedicated divorce team. Yet, few know of the designation and the availability of their special resources. For example, as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® and professional mediator, I see clients who experience these common errors:
1.) DETAILS! Your divorce professionals need to know EVERYTHING about your finances. Yet, many couples require an in-depth “reality check” of their budgeting and expenses. They do not understand how to adjust budgets to a new lifestyle and instead build increased resentment against their spouse. Money often creates a larger emotional issue.
2.) Couples often face some sort of trigger during mediation and that will suddenly remind them of a forgotten detail, asset or debt. Collecting this information and its appropriate documentation is time consuming and not easy. A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®can guide you.
3.) Correct valuation of assets and debts is another area where mistakes often occur. Items can easily be under or overstated. Making changes after agreements are reached is a difficult process.
4.) Taxes can make or break a settlement agreement. What the couple decides MAY NOT be what they receive after taxes. As a member of your divorce team, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® changes the guessing game with advanced tools and financial analysis.
5.) One of the top fears clients face regarding divorce is their uncertainty about the future as they ask, “Will I be OK?” “Will I run out of money?” “Can I afford to keep my house?” Working with clients and their lawyers, a CDFA® forecasts both the short- and long-term effects of the proposed settlement. CDFAs are divorce financial planners with techniques to run 10, 20 or 30 year projections.
Couples who negotiate a “Kitchen” divorce wish to create an equitable settlement without the delays and costs of an adversarial process. The role of the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is to provide financial expertise necessary for clients to achieve a successful closure to their marriage and as they rebuild their financial future.
Diana Longo is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Divorce Financial Planner and Professional Mediator. A long-time resident of West Orange, she founded Innovative Divorce Services, LLC located at 277 Fairfield Rd, Ste 212, Fairfield, NJ 07004. https://www.innovativedivorce.com